



Head Gear

Arm Gear











Side Quests






Tetra Master

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Personal Abilities



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Personal Abilities


Zidane - Skill (Dyne) & Steal


Ability Learned From Description
Flee Dagger Escape battle
Detect Mage Masher See items to steal
What's That!? Butterfly Sword Back attack
Soul Blade The Ogre Draws out power of swords
Annoy Gladius Trouble
Sacrifice Exploda Sacrifice Zidane to restore HP & MP
Lucky Seven Gladius Physical damage by luck
Thievery Angel Bless Physical damage by rate of stealing
Free Energy Dyne Physical damage to an enemy
Tidal Flame Dyne Physical damage to all enemies
Scoop Art Dyne Physical damage to an enemy
Shift Break Dyne Physical damage to all enemies
Stellar Circle Dyne Physical damage to an enemy
Meo Twister Dyne Physical damage to all enemies
Solution 9 Dyne Physical damage to an enemy
Grand Lethal Dyne Physical damage to all enemies


Steiner - Sword Art & Sword Magic



Blood Sword Shadow Damage
Minus Strike Iron Sword Max and current HP difference attack
Lai Strike Rune Blade Death
Power Strike Diamond Sword Enemy attack down
Armor Break Mythril Sword Enemy defense down
Mental Break Ice Brand Enemy magic defence down
Magic Break Flame Saber Enemy magic attack down
Charge! Coral Sword Near death members attack
Thunder Slash Defender Thunder damage
Stock Break Ultima Sword Non-elemental damage
Climhazzard Excalibur Non-elemental damage
Shock Ragnarok Physical damage
Fire Vivi Attack with Fire magic
Fira Vivi Attack with Fira magic
Firaga Vivi Attack with Firaga magic
Blizzard Vivi Attack with Blizzard magic
Blizzara Vivi Attack with Blizzara magic
Blizzaga Vivi Attack with Blizzaga magic
Thunder Vivi Attack with Thunder magic
Thundara Vivi Attack with Thundara magic
Thundaga Vivi Attack with Thundaga magic
Bio Vivi Attack with Bio magic
Water Vivi Attack with Water magic
Flare Vivi Attack with Flare magic
Doomsday Vivi Attack with Doomsday magic

Trance - Attacks do more damage


Amarant - Flair & Throw



Cat's Claws Restore HP and MP
Spare Change Rune Claws Damage by throwing Gil
No Mercy Duel Claws Non-elemental damage
Aura Duel Claws Auto-Life and Regen
Curse Mythril Claws Enemy is weak against an element
Revive Rune Claws Revive a party member
Demi Shock Rune Claws Enemy HP dependant attack
Countdown Daiser Knuckles Casts Doom

Trance - Flair applies to all enemies or party members


Freya - Dragon & Jump



Partisan Reduces enemy HP & MP
Reis's Wind Mythril Spear Regen on all party members
Dragon Breath Dragon's Hair Damages all enemies
White Draw Ice Lance MP restored on all party members
Luna Trident Casts Berserk
Six Dragons Heavy Lance I'm not sure
Cherry Blossom Obelisk Damage on all enemies
Dragon Crest Holy Lance Physical damage to an enemy

Trance - Attack all enemies with jump


Vivi - Black (Dbl Black) & Focus

See Magic Section

Garnet - Summon (Eidolon) & White

See Magic Section

Eiko - White (Dbl White) & Summon

See Magic Section

Quina - Eat (Cook) & Blue

See Magic Section