



Head Gear

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Stones Description
Auto-Reflect 15 Casts Reflect
Auto-Float 6 Casts Float
Auto-Haste 9 Casts Haste
Auto-Regen 10 Casts Regen
Auto-Life 12 Casts Life
Auto-Potion 3 Uses a potion when attacked
HP+10% 4 Max HP goes up by 10%
HP+20% 8 Max HP goes up by 20%
MP+10% 4 Max MP goes up by 10%
MP+20% 8 Max MP goes up by 20%
Bird Killer 3 More damage to birds
Bug Killer 2 More damage to insects
Stone Killer 4 More damage to stone enemies
Undead Killer 2 More damage to undead enemies
Devil Killer 2 More damage to demons
Beast Killer 4 More damage to beasts
Man Eater 2 More damage to humans
Ability Up 3 Learn abilities 2x as fast
Level Up 7 Level up 2x as fast
Accuracy + 2 Accuracy goes up
Add Status 3 Adds weapon's status when attacking
Alert 4 Prevents back attack
Antibody 4 Prevents Poison & Venom
Body Temp 4 Prevents Heat & Freeze
Bright Eyes 4 Prevents Darkness
Clear Headed 5 Prevents Confusion
Insomniac 5 Prevents Sleep
Jelly 4 Prevents Petrify
Locomotion 4 Prevents Stop
Loudmouth 4 Prevents Silence
Absorb MP 6 Absorb and enemy's MP
Bandit 5 Steal items easier
Boost 12 Eidolons become stronger
Chemist 4 Medicinal items become 2x as strong
Concentrate 10 Spells become stronger
Counter 8 Counterattack when attacked
Cover 6 Take damage instead of someone else
Distract 5 Enemy accuracy goes down
Eye 4 Eye 5 Couterattacks occur more often
Flee-Gil 3 Gain Gil when you escape a battle
Gamble Defense 1 Raise defense occasionally
Guardian Mog 3 Mog protects you
Half MP 11 Use half the MP while casting spells
Healer 2 Restores HP
High Jump 4 Jumps are stronger
High Tide 8 Trance faster
Initiative 5 Pre-emptive strike more often
Long Reach 16 Attack just as strong from the back row
MP Attack 5 Use MP to have stronger attacks
Mag Elem Null 13 Nullify a magic element
Master Theif 5 Steal better items
Millionare 5 Gain more Gil after battles
Mug 3 Damage the enemy when you steal
Odin's Sword 5 Attacks with Odin
Protect Girls 4 Take damage in place of a girl
Power Throw 19 Throw things with more strength
Reflectx2 17 Doubles reflected spell's strength
Reflect-Null 7 Nullify the reflect of an enemy
Return Magic 9 Return the magic to the enemy
Restore HP 8 HP is restored when you are near death
Steal Gil 5 Steal Gil as well as items
Power Up 3 Chakra becomes stronger
Dragon Killer 3 More damage to dragons