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Guardian Forces



Quetzocoatl- Lightning Attack. It is obtained from Quistis at the beggining of the game.

Shiva- Ice Attack. It is obtained from Quistis at the beggining of the game.

Ifrit- Fire Attack. It is obtained when you go into the fire cave and defeat him.

Siren- Silencing Attack. To obtain this you must draw from Evrolet in the battle with Biggs and Wedge.

Brothers- Earth Attack. Defeat the Brothers (Sacred, and Minotaur) in the Tomb of the Unknown King.

Diablos- Gravity Attack. Use the Magical Lamp that Cid gives to you and defeat Diablos.

Carbuncle- Reflect on your party. Draw this from the statues that Edea brings to life.



Leviathan- Water Attack. Draw this from Norg in Balamb Garden.

Pandemonium- Windi Attack. Draw this from Fujiin in the battle at the Balamb Hotel.

Cerberus- Double & triple on your party. Deafeat Cerberus in Galbadia Garden.

Alexander- Holy Attack. Draw this from Edea in the final battle of the second disc.


DISC 3 & 4

Doomtrain- All Status Effects Attack. Obtain the Solomon's Ring, 6 Remedy+, 6 Steel Pipes, & 6 Molboro Tentacles.

Bahamut- Non Elemental Attack. Defeat Bahamut in the Underwater Laboratory.

Cactaur- Non Elemental Attack. Defeat the Jumbo Cactaur on the Cactaur Island which is south of the desert on the south part of the map.

Tonberry- Non Elemental Attack. Defeat 20 Tonberries in the same place you go to fight Odin. After you defeat 20 you will fight the Tonberry King and when you defeat him he will join you.

Eden- Non Elemental Attack (more than 9999 damage on the enemy). Draw from Ultima Weapon in the Underwater Laboratory.


Other Guardian Forces

Phoenix- Fire Attack and Revives dead party members. Use a Phoenix Pinion.

Odin- Slicing Attack. Defeat Odin in the Centra Tower and he will randomly appear and kill all of the enemies.

Chocobo- Random Attack. Use Gyshal Greens that you buy from the Chocoboy.

Gilgamesh- Slicing Attack. After you fight Seifer at the end of the third disc, he will kill Odin and Gilgamesh will obtain Odin's sword and join you. He will appear randomly just like Odin and attack with 1 of 4 swords.