


Welcome to Fantasy Final Fantasy 2.0

The goal of this site is to provide you with the answers
to all of your Final Fantasy questions.
If you see something that is wrong just tell me. I want
my site to have the most accurate information for all
of you.


August 21
Ahem. Well I am officially shutting down my work on this webpage. I just don't have time for it anymore and I've sort of lost interest in Final Fantasy games and moved on to others. I might make another webpage in the future but i doubt it. However, I will leave this site intact as an archive. Farewell!

July 18
Final Fantasy I and II were just announced to be released in Japan for the Playstation. There is no word yet on a US release but it'll be likely to occur.

July 10
OK, I'm going to add some Lunar stuff to the site but first I need a new name for the site and I can't think of one. Since it won't only be Final Fantasy now I need more of a general RPG type name so if you want to help out and give the site a new name then e-mail me and maybe I'll use it.

June 20
Hey look, I'm not dead and I'm actually working on the site =). Sorry for being gone so long but I've began to play RPGs from other companies than Squaresoft. The Lunar series from Working Designs in particular and they are excellent. This just means more content on the site. However, it also means more stuff for me to do at once so it will take longer. Anyway, expect something new soon.

Feburary 23
I've been done with FFX for about a week now and I still haven't gotten much work done on the site for it. I hope to at least have the music section up soon but I've been really busy. Until then, check out some live video and music from FFXI. Just Click Here!

December 20
Finally! Final Fantasy X has arrived. I picked up my copy today and am very satisfied (execpt for having to pay 60 bucks). Once I finish the game, get ready for a ton of updates. I'll try and get everything done as fast as I possibly can.

December 17
I'm sorry I haven't been able to update lately. I've been very busy with school, but anyway. As you probably know by now, Final Fantasy X should arrive here in the US on December 18 if you have pre-ordered it. If not, you'll probably have to wait a little longer.

October 23
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within came out on DVD today. You can buy it just about anywhere on DVD for $20-$30, but if you want it on VHS, you're going to have to buy it off of the internet for a high price. From what I've seen of the DVD so far, it is very good. It even has the original opening sequence.

August 15
The release date of the DVD and VHS of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within has been set for October 23. The DVD will be 2 discs and will feature extras like commentary and how they made the movie. A scene editor will also be one of the extra features.

July 30
I recently acquired a copy of the tape which contains previews of "Dragonball GT Final Bout", "Dragon Warrior III" and "Final Fantasy VII." The tape also contains the
CHRONO TRIGGER ANIME!!! If any of you are interested in it, I can sell you a copy of it. Just e-mail me and I'll give you the details.


August 21 2002:I added an Italian version of the Deep Dungeon guide that I wrote. Thanks to Markarmy.

July 14 2002:The LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Music Section was uploaded.

November 14, 2001:The PC version of Chocobo World was added to the downloads section.

October 27, 2001: I added Final Fantasy 8 solitaire to the downloads section and took away some of the broken links.

October 12, 2001: I just finished making the Fantasy Final Fantasy flash intro. If you've been using https://neobizzaro.tripod.com/fffmain.html to get to my page you won't see it. To see it, access FFF by going to http://fantasyfinalfantasy.cjb.net.

September 4, 2001: The Xenogears section has finally been completed. I have also begun construction on a Chrono Trigger page which will feature Flash. Fantasy Final Fantasy has recruited a new staff member to work on the site's layouts and he should also write some reviews.

July 11, 2001: I just added a Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within section to the site. Go ahead and check it out!


If you have any questions e-mail me at:



Release Dates

Final Fantasy XI

Early 2003


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Final Fantasy is copyright of Squaresoft. Images are property of their respective owners. No copyright infringements are intended. This site is in --
no way affliated with Squaresoft.


Last Updated: August 21, 2002